Getting started for Educators: Sharing an exercise with your class

In this post, we will see how exercises can be broadcasted to your classroom.

1st step: In the Waltzing Atoms cockpit, click on "Lab:


2nd step: Login to the Lab with the same username and password as used for the cockpit. Choose your classroom from the class dropdown

If you do not have exercises yet, see how you can create one in Getting Started: Creating your first exercise

3rd step: Before broadcasting exercises, you need to define an exercise group you want to share with your class. This is done by drag and dropping the “Medicine”-Folder onto your classroom:

The classroom view now shows the shared exercise group:

Incredible: All students of your class will now automatically download this exercise group and all contained exercises.

4th step: To assign a student with a particular exercise drag and drop the exercise onto the students name in the classroom view:

Since “IronMan” is online he instantly gets the assignment! Congratulation, you’re a digital educator!