FAQ for students and the Waltzing Atoms App

Where do I get the Waltzing Atoms App?
The app is currently available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone (English and German). For installation go in the app store for device and search for “Waltzing Atoms”. Another way is to open this link on your mobile device (you get directly forwarded Waltzing Atoms for your device).

Is it free?
Yes, the Waltzing Atoms App is free.

Do I have to register to use the Waltzing Atoms App?
No, you can browse through the starter package of exercises that come with the app download. Here, you can solve chemical problem sets such as the “Periodic system”. You only need to register and log in if you want to join a digital classroom and connect to an educator

I’ve opened an exercise in the app, but there is nothing to do. What’s going on?
Not all exercises have to be actively solved. These chemical structures are complete and do not have atom slots to be filled out. In this case, there is also no candidate slider button: